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Shipping Guide

The cargo guide generally consists of guides used by senders and receivers to ensure that the cargo is delivered correctly and safely. These guides provide information on topics such as packaging, labeling, transporting and delivering cargo. Here are the main topics that shipping guides usually cover:

Packaging Instructions: Shipping guides contain instructions for properly packaging products. These instructions ensure that appropriate packaging materials are used and packaging is done correctly to prevent damage or loss of products.

Labeling Rules: Shipping guides provide rules and guidelines for labeling cargo correctly. Labels usually include sender and recipient information, the content of the shipment, and other important information. Correct labeling ensures that the cargo is directed to the correct address.

Transport Instructions: Cargo guides contain instructions that must be taken into account when transporting cargo. These instructions cover packaging methods, points to be considered during transportation and other important information to prevent damage to the cargo during transportation.

Track and Trace: Shipping guides usually provide the shipper with instructions for tracking and tracing the shipment. This allows the shipper to track where the shipment is and when it will be delivered.

Insurance and Return Policies: Some shipping guides provide information on insuring cargo and how to handle damage. It may also include procedures to follow if cargo needs to be returned.

Cargo guides provide shippers and receivers with the information necessary to transport cargo safely and smoothly. These guides help minimize possible problems that may occur during the cargo delivery process and facilitate the flow of trade.
